The Nashville Area Plumbing and Mechanical Association is an association of professional plumbing, mechanical / HVAC contractors and vendors from all across the Middle Tennessee area, dedicated to promoting and protecting our trade and the public.

The Nashville Area Plumbing and Mechanical Association is open to any licensed plumbing and mechanical contractor and those vendors that support us. We are active in legislative, fellowship and charity endevors and welcome visitors. We have a newsletter (NAPMA News) that is emailed out and is free to all who wish to keep up with whats happening with our trades here in Middle Tennessee, just email a request.

The Nashville Area Plumbing and Mechanical Association works with all local codes departments and utilities so as to keep our members informed of changes and make suggestions that come from our members when needed.

Our goals are many. One is that the public is protected from unlicensed, uninsured contractors by promoting our members and encouraging the use of licensed contractors and professional trade retail vendors. We offer training to our members in the way of informative monthly meetings and seminars.

We lobby regulatory agencies to stop the activity of unlicensed contractors and use our membership to promote political candidates that help with our mission.  That mission is not one of selfservice but one of trying to protect the homes and businesses of Middle Tennessee from those who don’t have the ability or insurance coverage of a licensed Tennessee Plumbing and Mechanical (HVAC) Contractor.

NAPMA is committed to our members as we keep them up to date on products and trade related information.  Hopefully you will leave every meeting and newsletter edition with more knowledge than you came with.

We meet once a month on the forth Tuesday at Piccadilly Cafeteria on Murfreesboro Rd in Nashville, everyone is invited.  To receive a free newsletter please let us know through our contact page, thanks for visiting.  Want to join, here is our current application just copy, paste and mail it in our join at any meeting.

For more information please visit here